Search 2-1-1 Online, a comprehensive community services tool that connects residents of North Texas to important services such as counseling, food assistance, health care, youth and family services and more.

Enter one or more keywords, and/or specify the name of a particular agency when searching.  By using this link, you will be connected to the 2-1-1 Texas webpage. If you are looking for services outside of the State of Texas, please click here to find the 2-1-1 in your area.

2-1-1 has the ability to search for Child Care and Education Services in the State of Texas.

If at any time you need further assistance or cannot find what you need, please use your phone and dial 2-1-1.

Search for Childcare
will help you find child care centers in your area.

Search for Government-Assisted Child Care and Education Services
will help you find public school programs, early education & child development programs and financial assistance for child care. As a parent, you will also be able to send a referral to the program providers matching your request.

Types of Child Care and Education Services
provides a description of all Government-Assisted Child Care and Education Services listed on the 2-1-1 website.

Eligibility Guidelines
provides information on the eligibility guidelines for each service. The Government-Assisted Child Care and Education Services are reduced in cost, or free, and require you to be eligible.

Search for Other Services
will help you find other services such as medical care, brain injury including concussion and shaken infant syndrome, WIC, therapy, nutrition, etc.

For information & resources regarding Early Childhood Education, please visit .

Besides maintaining a comprehensive database of resources, 2-1-1 North Texas periodically creates specialized publications.

These specialized publications are often collaborations with local community partners to aid special populations.

2-1-1 works with city, county, state and national Offices of Emergency Management to provide public information to the community, rumor control and trend analysis to officials. 2-1-1 North Texas has the ability to report community needs that are not being met and act as the central communications point for other community agencies and non-government organizations.

2-1-1 coordinates services with government, community-based and faith-based organizations. 2-1-1 Texas has formal relationships with other volunteer organizations and an established role within the State Emergency Support Functions.

2-1-1 has responded to disasters in that past including Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico, statewide wildfires in 2011 and the H1N1 epidemic to name a few.


2-1-1 Texas plays a key role in the response to the natural and man-made disasters in Texas. 2-1-1 Texas most recently assisted first responders with Hurricane Alex and the oil spill disaster in the Gulf. 2-1-1 connects callers with critical disaster services and volunteer and donation opportunities. 2-1-1:

Provides information and referral (I&R) for residents, survivors, donors and volunteers.

Provides special tracking and/or coaching for donations and volunteers

Assists with rumor control

Provides telephone crisis intervention, comfort and assurance.

Maintains quality database of human service programs, and regularly posted updated “tips” and resources

Provides call-taking through skilled I&R Specialists. Note that 2-1-1 Texas utilizes a statewide emergency operations plan to ensure continuity of service by re-routing calls to unaffected areas or distributing calls to other Centers when volume spikes.

Coordinates services with government and community-based and faith-based organizations. 2-1-1 Texas has formal relationships with other volunteer organizations and an established role within the State Emergency Support Functions.